
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

You Can Say That Again 

On today's "Talk of the Nation" on NPR, conservative Ralph Reed, former boy wonder of the evangelical movement in the US and now head of the "Faith and Freedom Coalition" was enthusiastic about the prospects of Donald Trump running for the Republican nomination--which should show you the state of the conservative movement. But here is the money quote from Reed about Trump. Host Neil Conan asks Reed if he could support Trump, Reed answers:

Well, I'm - because of my Faith and Freedom Coalition hat I'm unlikely to endorse pre-nominations or support pre-nomination. But I will say this. I'm intrigued by Donald Trump. He took a look at this in 2000. I think this is a much more serious look. I'm very pleased, and I think a lot of other social conservatives in the party are pleased that he is pro-life and pro-family and pro-marriage.

Of course he is pro-marriage. He has been married three times. What was disappointing is Conan did not pounce on the statement, instead a caller had to ask the question Conan wouldn't.

But apparently "The Donald's" sins have been absolved because he went on the Christian Broadcasting Network and did an interview, explaining that his three failed marriages is precisely "what this country needs." How so? He was a crappy husband and a crappy father because he "worked all the time." And this: "I'm here, I'm there. I'm home at 10 o'clock in the evening. It's not an easy, traditional thing for a woman but that's what the country needs. It needs somebody that really works and that knows what they're doing."

Totally eyes wide shut.

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